
December 17, 2019

This year the Design System team turned its attention to our native apps. With help from many iOS and Android engineers we were able to hit our component targets and now have near parity across platforms. We also built a lot of other fun stuff along the way.

📦 Shipped

We added 31 components to Thumbprint over the past year.

  • iOS: 15
  • Android: 11
  • React: 5

📈 Growing team

  • Lucas Smith joined us in late 2019 as a designer/developer to help us identify what we can improve and new areas to explore. Coming from Airbnb he’s had years of design system experience and we’re grateful to have him.
  • To help us complete our native goals Mallika P. led the efforts for the Android team and Kevin G. on the iOS side.

🧰 Projects

  • Thumbprint open source: To give back to the wider open source community and assist with recruiting we open-sourced our codebase in early 2019.
  • Thumbprint Tokens for iOS and Android: We now publish Thumbprint Tokens to CocoaPods for iOS and JitPack for Android.
  • thumbprint.design refresh: After our initial rollout in 2018 we updated the look and feel to better represent Thumbtack. Look for more updates coming in 2020.
  • The Great Alignment: To ensure consistency we aligned component names across all our platforms. This meant renaming many components and carefully migrating the changes.
  • Responsive images: We built a robust responsive image component, incorporating lazy loading and our image service, to send the best possible image size to our web users.
  • Figma plugins: We created a few plugins to help teams work faster and there many ideas in the pipeline for 2020.
  • Native prototyping: We now have a system for building native experiences using using HTML/JS/CSS for user research and internal testing.
  • Figma icons: Icons in the Thumbprint Icons codebase are now pulled in directly from Figma.
  • Illustrations migration: We worked with the Brand team to replace many old illustrations with shiny new ones.
  • TypeScript migration: Most Thumbprint web components are now using TypeScript to increase consistency and code reliability.

🛠️ Tools

🤗 Thanks

And a special thanks to the 17 designers and developers who built Thumbprint components and the many others who contributed by filling bugs, fixing bugs, and adding features to existing components.